But extra wax can harden and form a blockage that interferes with sound waves and reduces hearing. 但是过多的耳垢可能会变硬阻塞耳道,干扰声波导致降低听力。
Typically, the pigment is crushed very finely ( 7 to10 micrometres) while being mixed with castor oil and is then mixed with a wax base to form a finished lipstick. 通常情况下,色素是很细粉碎(7至10微米),而被混蓖麻油然后混合,并用蜡基地,形成一个完整的口红。
During the oviposition stage, adult female secreted wax threads by its ventral multilocular disc-pores to form its ovisac. 雌成虫产卵期由腹面多格腺分泌丝状蜡结成卵囊。